Re: A89: Re: Please help with C


Re: A89: Re: Please help with C


> Well... You're right. But only partially. ANSI C doesn't allow nested
> functions. BUT as TI-GCC is really a GCC, Gnu C Compiler, it has quite a
> of extensions. One of them is that you CAN define and use nested
> I know very well that they aren't _really_ needed, at least I haven't
> had the need to use them. 

Yes, I know that GNU C allow nested functions :-) But you can't nest them
on the way how Simon does it...

> AFAIK nested functions don't need any special internal functions to work.
> they should work with TI-GCC. Yeah, it is better to not to use nested
> functions.

Nested functions may be very useful sometimes...

> Oh, BTW, complex is also a valid data type in GCC... But probably that
> some special internal functions to work.
> So, AFAIR:
> __complex__ int c;
> __complex__ int h=1+2i;
> __complex__ char m;
> is valid in GCC.
> Then you can access it's real and imaginary parts like:
> r=__real__ c;
> i=__imag__ c;

For "complex integers" you don't need any special functions afaik.
But, you can't use "complex float" using this method, because such
"complex floats" will not be compatible with TIOS.

> Oh, then, as you know, GCC allows also embedding of assembler statements
> C source. I.e. in-line assembler. I'm not sure if Zeljko's TI-GCClib uses
> them, but for others too:
> int phew(int i, int j)
> {
> 	asm ("addw %1,%0;" 
> 		  : "=d" (j) /* output goes into j */
> 		  : "d" (i), "d" (j) /* inputs are in i and j */
> 	);
> 	return j;
> }	
> Well, that's very cryptic. But what that _should_ do is to add i to j.
> compiler handles moving i and j to registers... And those %0 and %1 mean
> that compiler is allowed to decide registers it likes most. Hmm, well.
> That's very damn cryptic to explain. Especially when you're not so sure
> yourself. I'll try to find some tutorial sometime, if anybody is 
> interested. But more about in-line assembler is said in GCC infopage.
> to that for all GCC's extensions.

Of course, I used such possibilities on few places in TIGCCLIB :-)
This is very very useful... but just more cryptic...

Zeljko Juric