A89: Grayscale & Hardware Version 2.00


A89: Grayscale & Hardware Version 2.00

//Olle stated:

>>Or write your own routines.  But thats no sollution for already existing

    I tried that, it didn't work well for me. On hardware version 2.00 the
screen port location isn't 0x600010.
    The program I wrote worked on both rom versions and hardware version
1.0, but not on hardware version 2. Anyone have any ideas where the port
would be located at? I have tried to contact TI but they sent me crap that
had nothing to do with the differences in hardware versions. TI didn't even
know what I was talking about when I said "hardware version 2.0", I had to
explain where the "About" screen was.

TI said:
>>"I am unsure of what you mean by hardware version. where did you find this

If anyone knows anything about where the screen port might be located please
tell me.

    - ALT_255     webmaster@communitycrc.org