A89: TI-GCC help needed
A89: TI-GCC help needed
To anyone who can help
Recently I have taken my hand to trying to program in C for the TI-89.
Currently I'm working on C Drugwars 89, and I was wondering what kind of
features TI-GCC supports. What are the data types supported? "int" is,
"float" isn't i'm pretty sure. If float isn't, how would I go about storing
large numbers (up to about 400 million or so). Is "double"?
Arrays? To what degree?
Can I have all the standard facilities (i.e. an array inside a structure)?
Switch statements?
All the standard loops and decision mechanisms? For, do-while, if, if-else
Also anyone have a routine that wraps text across the screen when it reaches
the end of the line?
(I intend to use the small font for the text, but I'm sure I can modify
the routine as nesscary)