A89: Re: Please Read!!!


A89: Re: Please Read!!!

Hi!  I am Ahmed's nosey lawyer, and I noticed that you sent him this rather
nice email.  I took the liberty of replying for him, since it is in his
contract to not associate with people who posses the intelligence quota of a
rock or lower.

Please read my replies below.  Each reply is preceded by a 'RE:'...

----- Original Message -----
From: Good Programmer <workyouloser@priest.com>
To: <ahmed@ticalc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 10:55 PM
Subject: Please Read!!!

> Now listen up AHmed.  I have a TI-83+ and I want some fucking games NOW!!

RE: You may have a TI-83+, but I do not.  I only have but a TI-83 Plus to
work with, sorry.

> am tired of your loser shit cry baby mail about boycotting.  I have a good

RE: I had no idea a piece of mail was considered a baby, which could not
only cry, but poop
and lose also.  What was the baby competing in?  The olympics?

> idea.  How about just SHUT UP and get to work bitch!  I want every single

RE: You are my bitch, not I yours.

> game to be ported to the 83+ because I am just GODDAMN tired of seeing all
> the people with all the other calculators playing games.  I am sick,

RE: I am not holding you back from porting them all.

> disgusted, and just damn tired of playing the SHITTY games that you

RE: Solution: don't play them.  Hmm... it seems as if someone missed 3rd
grade math class
one too many times?

> I want tetris fully functional, not some HALF-ASSED shit.  I also want the

RE: Attached to this email is some FULL-ASSED shit, as requested.

> fucking 2 player option to work, YOU HEAR?  GO DO YOUR JOB AND PROGRAM

RE: 2 player works correctly, you just haven't read the readme.txt file
included with
tetris.  It specifically says in the requirements section: 'must have a
positive IQ to
play tetris' somewhere in there.

> FOR THE 83+.  Thats right, get your lazy stinkin fat ass and get some shit

RE: Thanks for the reminder, I forgot I needed to go to the restroom.

> done.  If I dont see you pumping out programs for my calculator faster

RE: I'm sure that I'll be 12 years over dead when you find the ON button, so
you can
count on all of those programs being done.

> I can turn my calc on, I will sign your e-mail to every single porno
> list!

RE: Why thank you so much!  I've been meaning to sign up, but I haven't
found the time.

> __________________________________________________
> FREE Email for ALL! Sign up at http://www.mail.com

You are my inspiration.  I have no idea what I'd do without your support and

-Miles Raymond      EML: m_rayman@bigfoot.com
ICQ: 13217756       IRC: Killer2        AIM: KilIer2 (kilier2)
