A89: Re: Assembly-89 Digest V1 #776


A89: Re: Assembly-89 Digest V1 #776

>Bryan Rabeler wrote:
>> Wow!  Looks nice.  I also see a new version of VTI is up, good job.  Keep
>> the good work.
>I still wonder when it will start support the more fun stuff on the ti89.
as it
>is for now, many times I can't even use it, because it supports so little
of the
>ti89 specific hardware.
>The most important should be the ability to change the screensize
>any program that changes that is no good to run on the emu, sinze you cant
>the output..
>And Rusty never responds to any of my mail.. :(

FYI: Olle, you've been heard (Dave passed this along to the ACZ list) -- but
Rusty can only code in so much at once and I think those obscure ports are a
low priority (how many people user it?)

Any other hardware options missing, or just ($600012)?

        -Scott Noveck
         ACZ Member
         http://scott.acz.org <-- coming soon =)