A89: Re: Assembly-89 Digest V1 #775
A89: Re: Assembly-89 Digest V1 #775
What I think your problem is that you are trying to send versions of ASM
programs that are not patched for ROM 1.05. What TI did was change where
the keypresses were stored in the RAM on version 1.05. So the old
versions of ASM progs you're sending him expect the getkey to be in the
old possition, so they never get the actual keypress. I don't think
there is anything you can really do about it unless you want to run the
patch utility on each of the programs on your computer just so they'll
work on his calc. I suggest you downgrade his ROM the way it is said
BTW: I just use the new ROM and patch my games. Despite all of the
complaints I have heard about the it, I haven't really had any more
crashes than with the old ROM. Whenever I send games to the other persons
calc, I send my ROM over to them.
Original Message:
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 21:44:12 -0400
From: "Scott Noveck" <noveck@pluto.njcc.com>
Subject: A89: Hardware Version 2.00 Problems
OK, I was wrong -- a friend of mine in school bought an 89 yesterday
w/ hardware version 2.00 and ROM 1.05 natively. The DoorsOS version 1.00
kernel froze when I attempted to install it; I'm not sure if one of the
newer versions of the kernel from Final Beta 2 will help. I haven't
to downgrade him to ROM v1.00 yet directly from my own calc. There
definately IS something odd about those calcs; Olle, does your friend
it Johan?) have a new one to "dissect" and analyze for differences?
Something fishy is going on. . . the whole point of Flash ROM on the 89s
so that all calcs - old and new - can be on the same version and there is
NEED to release newer versions of the actual calculator - just tell
to download the upgraded version of the ROM. If they needed to release
hardware then there seems to be some kind of a serious problem with the
ones. . .
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