Re: A89: pxltext, pttext, output


Re: A89: pxltext, pttext, output

>hi,please help me.  i am trying to make a game is basic
>and i cannot figure out how to print expr in the graph
>screen.  ouput can print the expr but only on program
>i/o screen.  the other two commands pxltext and pttext
>don't print expr except for the string.  i'd really
>appreciate it if someone can tell me how to print a
>expr value in graph screen.

use pxltext x,y,string(expr) -- pxltext only takes strings.

>  one more thing, how can i
>print small text?

In BASIC, it's just small text on the graph screen and larger in the I/O and
home screens, I'm not sure what dialog boxes use where.  You have no control
over it. . .

>  and also, how to make a new matrix
>from within program with dimension 20 by 20.

newMat(20,20)->mat will do it, if you want values already in it you can use
this and replace the 1's with the proper values.  Each nested list is one


>p.s. i have read the manual and can't seem to figureout how.thanks.

It's all there. . . hope this helps.
