A89: Hardware Version 2.00 Problems
A89: Hardware Version 2.00 Problems
OK, I was wrong -- a friend of mine in school bought an 89 yesterday loaded
w/ hardware version 2.00 and ROM 1.05 natively. The DoorsOS version 1.00
kernel froze when I attempted to install it; I'm not sure if one of the
newer versions of the kernel from Final Beta 2 will help. I haven't tried
to downgrade him to ROM v1.00 yet directly from my own calc. There
definately IS something odd about those calcs; Olle, does your friend (was
it Johan?) have a new one to "dissect" and analyze for differences?
Something fishy is going on. . . the whole point of Flash ROM on the 89s is
so that all calcs - old and new - can be on the same version and there is no
NEED to release newer versions of the actual calculator - just tell people
to download the upgraded version of the ROM. If they needed to release new
hardware then there seems to be some kind of a serious problem with the old
ones. . .
I'm emailing one of the guys in TI to ask about the changes. If anyone
knows anything about them, let me know =)