Re: A89: System information
Re: A89: System information
Shh!! You're not supposed to tell!
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Olle Hedman wrote:
> there is a lot of "OS-hacking" going on "undercover" by people who never talk
> on this list. this list isnt the 89 world, how much it ever want to be. The
> absolute best ti89 hackers, does never or almost never speak here.
> Rusty has probably done extensive work himself, debugging and reverse
> engineering the 89.
> It is quite fun.. you just need to know a tiiny bit of electronics and
> assembler programming, and you instantly is proclaimed "89 God" or "Assembler
> Guru" on this list. I don't feel like any good programmer.. I have never even
> finished a project I have started.. anyhow, people adress me as "my idol".
> strange.
> I have two friends who live nearby, one that does hardware (hi Johan Borg), and
> one that does software (hi Johan Eilert) and they outperform me like nothing..
> infact, most that I know about the 89, is from them. And you think I know much?
> :)
> There is a lot of theese people out there..
> //Olle
> Pizza of Hut wrote:
> >
> > Just out of curiosity, does anyone know where people like Rusty Wagner
> > and the Doors team get all their information on the TI-89's system
> > routines for use in developing shells?
> >
> > --
> > Pizza of Hut
> >