Re: Re: A89: Re: Fw: TI-89 ROM 1.05 vs 2.00 version inquiries
Re: Re: A89: Re: Fw: TI-89 ROM 1.05 vs 2.00 version inquiries
>I'm sure grayscale will work on HW2, its just a matter of time.
. . . and the harder I try, the further away that day seems to get. Trust
me, it's being a real pain in the neck -- something that TI said was either
incorrect, misinterpreted by myself, or simply left out. In theory, the
code I've got running should work -- it just doesn't. I sent an email back
with the modified gray4lib source and asked if their so-called "expert" can
look it over.
>The problem
>is that everyone so far has a HW1 calculator, and now TI wants to switch
>over to HW2. They should let people trade in HW1 for a HW2 calc for free.
Look, let's just end this argument now -- TI screwed up, period. We
exploited it with AU and a few other programs. They fixed it. The point
is, TI is a COMPANY. Their goal is to make as much money as possible. I'm
willing to bet that if you filed suit that they would replace the
calculator, since it's a hassle to them and a waste of revenue. However, as
long as they can ignore any need to replace old calculators, they will.
Should TI offer a trade-in? Yes. Will they? No. Is there anything you
can do about it? Nothing reasonable. Drop the subject.