re: A89: Re: porting Z80 to 68k.....possible??
re: A89: Re: porting Z80 to 68k.....possible??
Why is it crazy?? There are similar instructions on both processors, the 68k has more
registers so you don't have to worry about running out, and the languages are pretty much the
same (I've programmed in both and they are very similar). I don't see any difficulties except
for the memory locations which would be easily switched between calcs. I dunno, maybe I'm
just stupid and I don't know anything about this, but from my POV, it looks like a good idea.
Bryan Forbes
> ** Original Subject: A89: Re: porting Z80 to 68k.....possible??
> ** Original Sender: "h4X0r" <>
> ** Original Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 12:51:47 -0800
> ** Original Message follows...
> You are on crack! z80 to 68k is the craziest idea I've ever heard :)
> This would be a very impressive programming feat, IMHO. I like alot of the
> "classic" z80 games as well and would like to see this as well, but
> realistically this isn't going to happen (at least not very soon it won't).
> --h4X0r
> ----- Original Message -----From: <>
> To: Assembly-89 <>
> Sent: Saturday, November 20, 1999 12:43 PM
> Subject: A89: porting Z80 to 68k.....possible??
> >
> > Hey guys,
> > I was just bummin around my tv room watchin a little football, a french
> film (french
> > women are fine!!!!), and playing some games on my calc when it hit me! I
> had this vision of
> > porting Z80 games (from Usgard, Zshell, and other shells with tonz of
> games) to the 68k
> > platform. I know you're probably thinking "this guy is crazy", but I
> think someone out there
> > might be able to port these games. I mean, how hard could it be? (that's
> a rhetorical
> > question). I know it would be quite tedious to figure out which RAM/ROM
> sections
> > correspond to the other on the calculators, but after you figure it out,
> you could port all the
> > classics like Orunzanoid (my personal favorite.....but I'm not sure if I
> spelled it right), M.C.
> > Mik 1 and 2, and all the other cool games! If I could get some feedback
> on this, I'd really
> > appreciate it.
> > Bryan Forbes
> > P.S. No one ever replied to my keyboard post. Is there any possibility
> of a keyboard for
> > the TI-89?? J/W
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