I was trying to create a new string variable,
but a few problems occurred when I tried to save things into it. The
first thing I noticed was that on the doors explorer description bar it would
write everything that was stored in the string. For example, if I saved abcdefg
to the file, in the doors description bar of the program it would show
abcdefg. Is that normal? Or do I have to put a pointer on the third
byte of the string to a comment or whatever?
In my program, I used a routine to input a string,
which was ten characters long. Then, I tried storing eight of those
characters into the string file. That worked fine. In the program I
had set up a counter to know which was the last byte in the string file and then
the next time something needed to be stored into the string file, it would
hypothetically store after the last data that was stored into the file.
However, the next time I ran the program, it remained a string file (because
after every time I wrote to it I would put a $2D after the last character) and
the file increased the correct number of bytes, but there was nothing in the
string file and after I tried running doors again, the calc crashed. I'm
not sure why this is happening; I can only guess that I must be storing to the
wrong place. The only problem is that when I tried writing to the eighth
byte or other number bytes of the string file right after I created the new
string, it screwed up as well.
I'm attaching the source to the routine that I'm
writing, and hopefully if you take a look at it you might see what is wrong or
if I need to redo it completely. What I'm trying to do is create a phone
book program, and this new string will be where I store the information for
different people. Thanks in advance for the help, and also if you have any
questions about my problem or whatever, please email me. Thanks
Also......when you input numbers for the string,
there sometimes is an internal error or something, so just try it with
letters. It used to be able to do numbers, but for some reason it started
giving me errors today.