A89: Exec
A89: Exec
Yes another question about exec. :)
Ok, I tried to modify Johan's key autorepeat program to accept parameters.
The asm code is below, if you are interested.
I tried to run it at the home like this :
Exec “227800C8206909204E90544F206909244E904E750000” ,18,70
It blew up, and I don’t have access to a screwdriver. :( Address Error.
Yeah the evil one with the black lines at the top. :)
It might be pushing two long words on the stack. Does anyone know how to
tell it how to just push a word? If that is not it, could someone look
through the asm code. Thank you. I appreciate the help!
Assembly language:
xdef _main
; I don't need to push any registers
move.l 200,a1 ; get start of ROM table
move.l $920(a1),a0 ; get address of OSInitKeyInitDelay
jsr (a0) ; do it. Parameters should be on stack.
addq.w #2,a7 ; get rid of first parameter
move.l $924(a1),a0 ; get address of OSInitBetweenKeyDelay
jsr (a0) ; do it, with the second parameter
dc.w 0 ; end of TI relocation table
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