A89: TI-89 link port


A89: TI-89 link port

Just a few queries:

A) Has anyone else had a problem with their 89 linkport after extensive use?

B) Has anyone else's link port fallen out?

C) Where is the cheapest place I can buy/order a replacement link port that
will fit?

D) Does anyone with experience changing linkports have any special tips?

PS: My warranty is void, as my attempts to prolong the life of my link port
included drilling holes in the sides so that I could adjust the contacts
when they expanded too far.

Bill Risher        Sparr      UIN:1952775    ._, . . . 
Lorenai #44        Makra      FON:9316484164 |_) o | |
Overlord n7hq      Decius                    |_) | | |
mailto://billr1@midsouth.net  FAX:9315526807 ^ ` ^ ^ ^
