A89: Re: Assembly-89 Digest V1 #709


A89: Re: Assembly-89 Digest V1 #709

I had the same "8-bit relocations are unsupported" error you had.  The
problem is that the note1, note2, etc. in your song table is being replaced
with the ADDRESS of the label, NOT THE VALUE!  With sndlib, you must have
the song written out in numbers -- ie, replace note1 with 1, note2 with 2,
etc.  If you had the sndlib source you could modify the routine to get
around that, but I don't think the sndlib source was released. . .

    -Scott Noveck (SMN)

>Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 16:01:00 -0800 (PST)
>From: Ben Rodgers <bentensai@yahoo.com>
>Subject: A89: 8-bit relocation error
>I have a program I can't get to work here is a simplified version that
>also doesn't work.  Could somebody help me with this.  Thanks.
> include "tios.h"
> include "sndlib.h"
> xdef _main
> xdef _comment
> xdef _ti89
> move.b 1,note1
> move.b 2,note2
> move.b 3,note3
> move.b 4,note4
> move.b 5,note5
> lea song(pc),a0
> jsr sndlib::PlaySong
> rts
> dc.l $40000
>      dc.b  note1,4,note2,4,note3,4,note4,4,note5,4,255
>          ;#I am positive that the error is here!#
> dc.b "Sound Program by Bentensai",0
>note1 dc.b 0
>note2 dc.b 0
>note3 dc.b 0
>note4 dc.b 0
>note5 dc.b 0
> end