A89: 'Exec' Function... How to Use?
A89: 'Exec' Function... How to Use?
Hey All,
I was the guy who posted the original 'weave BASIC and ASM' letter
(which has now gone completely off subject) but I am still looking for a
way. One interesting response was a guy saying 'splurge and get a cable[for
asm programming].' I already have one! I don't want to be able to program
ASM directly on the calc just for portability.. I am trying to save myself
trouble by using some of the better features of BASIC while still
incorporating the obviously superior ASM.
I think I see potential in the 'Exec' function. The TI manual says
that the function accepts M68000 op codes in a stringified form. My first
guess was to type a mini ASM prog right into the string and run it.. I don't
think that will work though (maybe I did something wrong).. OK, so I know
ASM is really shorthand for a bunch of binary, so I got a program and
compiled it without trashing the .bin file. I tried copying the hexadecimal
and converting it to binary, then running 'Exec "0110101011101101..."'
which just gave some stupid error. If anyone can shed light on the operation
of this function, please do. If this helps I tried typing in a random binary
number the first time I used it, and in retrospect I noticed that it was the
memory address of the 'address error' message. Sure enough a big message
'ADDRESS ERROR' stuck on my screen and darnit! I had to reset my calc!
-Miles Stoudenmire <milez@mindspring.com>
BTW: I noticed that even when I entered a long binary string like the one
above I still got a very rudimentary memory address, this time another
error, just a different type. Perhaps the Exec function is limited in
accepting only one op code per execution (op code arguments must be sent as
secondary arguments to the Exec function itself) which may explain why only
one small thing resulted from such a large binary number (perhaps it only
reads the lower byte or word from your binary input).