Re: A89: Need Help on Artificial Intelligence
Re: A89: Need Help on Artificial Intelligence
Another option would be to do a behavioral type system where the tank could
either be in an aggressive, neutral, or a passive/defensive mode. In the
aggressive mode the tank would simply make a B-line for the player (ie find
the shortest path). In the netural mode the tank would still be targeting
the player but would also take notice of the player's fire (use some scheme
so that the tank does not see the player's fire ALL of the time). In the
passive/defensive mode the tank would only care about survival. You can use
the random function to pick a number after a set number of loops. The
number would determine which state the tank would be in until the next
random number is determined. The complexity of the AI will be in large part
determined by how many cycles you are willing to use for AI, how long you
are willing to spend on programming it, and the number of directions the
tank is allowed to move in. If the tank is only allowed to move left,
right, up, and down it makes the work alot easier than if you move the tank
by an angle scheme. Hope this helps!
--Blake Johnson
>I've never played Bomberman, but I have played quite a bit of pacman and I
>do AI research. The ghosts find pacman by finding which of the four
>directions it can travel will move it the most towards pacman. Example:
>If pacman is three tiles down and seven to the right then the ghost would
>move right. The ghosts seem to lock on packman more as the game goes on
>because they only "see" pacman some of the time. When the game first
>starts the ghosts only see pacman somewhat like 1/10th of the time. As the
>time goes on though they see him more and more. Believe it or not, at the
>time it came out pacman was cuting edge AI.
> --Nate