RE: A89: Re: ti-89 FLASH ROM version 2.00!!
RE: A89: Re: ti-89 FLASH ROM version 2.00!!
What do you call a prank, a practical joke ??
-----Mensaje original-----
De: <>
Para: <>
Fecha: Lunes 28 de Junio de 1999 18:51 p.m.
Asunto: Re: A89: Re: ti-89 FLASH ROM version 2.00!!
>hehe, yes this is a prank. It's another one of kirk meyer's faults where
>he doesn't check the prog b4 he posts it =) There is no Rom 2.0. The prog
>is just making fun of windoze. I must admit it is a good prank =)
>On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, Patrick Sweeney wrote:
>> Doesn't anyone else think it is a joke, a hoax, or a virus?
>> It doesn't seem that these features are possible on this calculator.
>> wrote:
>> > i tried it out anyways, but it wouldnt run any programs cause of some
>> > it says in the doc that this thing runs BASIC progs also!!! this is the
>> > shell that has done this!!