Re: A89: Re: 'memory violation'


Re: A89: Re: 'memory violation'

At 21:18 1999-06-21 -0400, you wrote:
>From the master himself. . . so what causes the Line 1010/1111 Emulator and
>Illegal Instruction errors, anyways?  Doesn't that mean that the program has
>an opcode which doesn't really exist?

Well, the CPU executes an opcode which doesn't exist.

>I think that the assembler, under
>normal circumstances, wouldn't ever generate these errors with good code
>(although a68k is know to mess up).  So if you're getting any one of those
>errors, wouldn't it mean that you're actually writing to a section of code
>in your program?  And memory violation is writing to a Flash-protected
>memory area?

When you get these errors, you're most likely "running" code in a data
section of your program, or, more likely, at just a random location
in the ROM. For instance, if you push something onto the stack in
a routine, and forget to pop it, you'll return to the address of the
value you pushed... this will (most likely) cause an error message, and fate
decides which :) If you stumble upon some actual ROM code, you might
return to the home screen with luck, but with a veeeery unstable system.
Most likely you'll get locked in a loop (freeze) or illegal instruction
(including the Line 1010/111 emulator error).

Jimmy Mårdell                    "Fear is the path to the dark side           Fear leads to anger     Anger leads to hate
ICQ #: 14193765                   Hate.... leads to suffering"  /Yoda
