Re: A89: Re: 'memory violation'
Re: A89: Re: 'memory violation'
At 16:47 1999-06-21 -0400, you wrote:
>>Does the 89 ROM have emulation detection software?
>No. According to Interrupts.txt (from the doors zip), it's unused by the
>OS. I think I read somewhere else (possibly in something by Jimmy Mardell?)
>that the Line 1010 and 1111 Emulator stuff refers to some stuff used when
>there's a coprocessor present. . . it has nothing to do with actual
Exactly... using these interrupts it's possible to add "extra features"
to the system, and let their opcodes by Fxxx or Axxx. The interrupt mention
above would be trapped, thus making it possible to bypass the instruction
to another CPU thru the I/O ports.
Jimmy Mårdell "Fear is the path to the dark side Fear leads to anger Anger leads to hate
ICQ #: 14193765 Hate.... leads to suffering" /Yoda