A89: Hello everyone.
A89: Hello everyone.
Hello. I am kinda new to ti-89 stuff, so give me a break, ok? :) heeh
well, anyway, basically what i want to do is take a pcx file and convert it
to 8level grayscale, huffman compressed to put the data directly in my code
and let me use the pic in my program.
i ahve a huffman compressor, but it would be a lot easier if there were a
converter/compressor combined. but if anyone knew of just a converter, that
would be great help (a converter to jsut raw grayscale data)
a converter/compressor would be just great too. :)
i tried the converter with gcp, but since that was with the 85 progs, it
clipped the images to 128x64. i need them to stay full size
if anyone can give me some leads on this, it would be very much appreciated.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide,
Jonathan Kaus