A89: Archive recovery - achieved?


A89: Archive recovery - achieved?

Take a look at this -- we were in the middle of a debate in the
bit.listserv.calc-ti newsgoup on whether the ROM could be corrupted, and I
was saying (based on Olle's friend's writings) that it wadn't possible [the
original, double indented message is mine].  Then this guy, famous in the
HP48 group for being a devoted HP Fan and having seen an HP49 at the OpenHP
thingy in France, comes along talking about this "Archutil" program --
exactly what we've been discussing on this list for months.

I heard from Xavier Doors and others that this program existed, but I was
never able to find it on the internet. . . then again, this guy could just
be lying to annoy TI fans.  I've already emailed him asking for the program
and/or the source/author's email if he has them. . .

-----Original Message-----
From: sasquacht@hotmail.com <sasquacht@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.calc-ti
Date: Friday, June 04, 1999 4:31 AM
Subject: Re: TI-83+

> > No, it's just plain _NOT_POSSIBLE_ to modify the Flash ROM unless
>either A)
>> you modify the hardware, B) the ROM modifies itself, or C) the
>> are sent through the linkport as a Flash ROM upgrade.  TI set up the
>> ROM _hardware_ protected memory blocks so that the ROM can only be
>> to by itself (and not user ASM programs), and the FlahH ROM code so
>that it
>> cannot be modified.  Therefore, a user can only change the ROM by
>sending a
>> Flash ROM upgrade throught the linkport, and the upgrade portion of
>the ROM
>> cannot be overwritten, period, so that the ROM can always be restored
>if a
>> bad one is sent.
>It is possible.
>I know that since several weeks now and there is an absolute proof:
>-Archutil 2.00
>It is an ASM program.
>Once you execute it on your calc,it alterates the Flash OS in order to
>enable User Flash management and recovery.
>It works on both TI92+ and the TI89 while archutil 1.00 only work on
>some TI92+.
>If you don't believe send me an E-mail and i will send it to you.
>This once again show how crappy is TI job.
>I should say that now i have lost the very small confidence i still had
>in TI because this means that in the future any ASM program could be a
>pottential VIRUS which will be able to write on or erase parts of the
>Flash OS.
>Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
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