RE: A89: Addx
RE: A89: Addx
That's the way I got the books too; apparently the order form didn't work
for anybody but they would send them to you free if you emailed them.
However, this was about two years ago and now the non-functional order form
is gone. I heard somebody say later that Zilog had the PDF files for
download (or maybe they would ship you a CD with the PDF files), but I can't
find them and I think you just have to buy the books now. It's not worth it
for $40; the only useful things in the manuals for calculator programming is
the instruction set summary (in the hardware book) and the detailed
instruction descriptions (in the user's manual), and you can probably find
detailed enough references for free online somewhere. I recommend you do try
to find another reference though, because there's not quite enough
information in the tutorials people have written to make complex programs
because they only cover the simple instructions and don't have all the
details on how they affect the flags, and other useful information.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: A89: Addx
In a message dated 99-07-21 21:57:46 EDT, you write:
> > This is sort of off topic, but do you know where I could get a free z80
> > manual?
> Not really. Zilog doesn't have a document service like Motorola does,
> they only have pointers to some e-bookstore where you can buy the
> Ref. Man. for some $40, which is quite steep, IMHO.
> They don't have the manuals on-line either.
> I think your best bet would be to search on the Net (tedious but often
> useful) and hope that you find a PDF file.
> Regards,
> Zoltan
i got 2 free books from zilog...on the on the instruction
the other on the hardware...i suggest you ask on the asm85 list where i
of the order form...because i forgot where i got it...if i remember
they had a order form which wasn't working so i emailed the guy asking for
the books and 3 weeks later i got them...