Re: A89: Linux Port for 89/92
Re: A89: Linux Port for 89/92
If you overwrite certain parts of the flashrom writable after exploiting the
flash "bug" you will not be able to use the built in (in neverwritable flash)
routines for restoring flash. (the ruitines for updating cant be changed, but it
checks certain bytes, possible to be changed, and if they are, will refuse to
update) and if you havnt put in any update routine made by you, then you are
quite fried.. then you have to connect directly to the flash chip (by hardware
and probably some soldering) to get your (or any) system back.
Kaus wrote:
> im not exaclty sure on this, but i am pretty sure that the updating of the
> flash rom is controlled not by the m68k prcoessor itself, but other
> hardware, with its own firmware to do this. probly at the linkport
> controller itself. this would allow all the flash rom to be overwritten,
> and not ahve to be careful to keep any importnatn functions. but, i am not
> precisely sure on this.
> Jonathan Kaus
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, July 12, 1999 1:56 PM
> Subject: Re: A89: Linux Port for 89/92
> >
> >although... you could dunp all of TIOS off the calculator BUT you would
> >to leave the part that lets a new flash ROM be installed. With out this all
> >you have is a permenantly altered calc!
> >