Re: A89: Linux Port for 89/92


Re: A89: Linux Port for 89/92

The only problem with that is we definatly would have to modify the kernel. 
It almost seems to me that the 68K processor doesn't function the same as the seems like either it doens't due to the TI-OS modifying the 
commands or just that there isn't a complete understanding of the TI 89 ASM. 
Also...we would have to create a PC/WIN/MAC/Linux program that would send 
it...I'm almost sure that TI Graph-Link would NOT send the kernel because of 
some checksum error or something....I dont understand how the processor 
works. If we DID get the Kernel on there...what would the applications be 
written in? ASM? Or, if we could create an external storage box (like the 
expander) we could make a macro program that would convert Ext2 file formats 
to something the TI could read. 
Perhaps that would be a whole other issue in itself. Maybe the Ex2 file 
format wont work on the TI.
There should definately be some looking into this....if it ever works it 
would be a phenomenon! And if the whole load of TI-89 programmers worked on 
it, it would be a very involved project. Also...with everyones little tips 
here and there it would improve rapidly. Much like the way Linux was 

And yes...each distrobution of Linux has the same Kernel (could be newer 
versions though) and uses Unix shells. Most common shell used is the Bash 
It just seems like we would have to do a complete re-write because its not 
built the same as a computer with a 68k processor. I really dont know....but 
the best way to find out would be to try it!

