Re: A89: [Fwd: Fwd: Free Computer Equipment!!! -Forwarded]


Re: A89: [Fwd: Fwd: Free Computer Equipment!!! -Forwarded]

>Never underestimate the power of stupidity.

ANNOUNCEMENT:  Microsoft is tracking this email.  If you send it to yourself
10 times a message will pop up saying that Microsoft will give you a free
computer if you call a special 800 number and put in the ID code that will
appear on your screen.  If it doesn't pop up the first time that you send
the message to yourself, then send all of those messages to yourself 10
times, and those messages, and so on.  The message will eventually pop up.
This won't work after July 8, so hurry!  Oh, and remember, due to a nasty
bug in the MacOS and AOL, if you send the message to ANYONE else at all then
it will cause your harddrive to format, and you won't me able to see what
your special ID code for the 800 number is.
