A89: Source codes
A89: Source codes
i have recently decided i want to start to learn to program 68k. i have got
the 92 guide.zip and all that. and read over newbies, and lesson 2 and 3.
and i am finally starting to understand it. except i don't understand the
graphics. i can write text to the screen, and that easy crap. but i am
looking first off for a good graphics tutorial. and i am looking for some
good, well commented source code. the best i have seen is the source for
hello world which describes everythign easily. so im wondering if there are
any source codes that are commented good like that, in english. and if so
which ones so i can download them to learn. if not, PEOPLE START COMMENTING
IF YOU GOT TIME im sure you like to play others games, if good, and the
better commented, the more people, with good ideas, can learn and make good
p.s. also if there are any other "must-read" tutorials to teach me, please
let me know. and i will check it out. im trying to learn badly. thanks