Re: A89: TCML Proposal
Re: A89: TCML Proposal
At 20:09 1999-01-16 -0600, you wrote:
>A markup language like HTML would be very useful for communication over the
>internet and on-calc documentation. Unfortunatly, the TI-89 and other
>calculators lack the processer power needed to parse large and complex
text files
>in a reasonable ammount of time. For this reason a new markup language is
>one that is designed so browsers can parse it in as little time as possible.
>TCML is designed with this feature in mind, to such a level that each line of
>text can be parsed with as few as five instructions.
I don't agree with this. "Not enough processor power"?? Parsing a textfile
takes no time whatsoever, even on a TI-8x calc with a Z80. The speed problem
might be the output of text if you want it in different sizes, but I seriously
doubt that as well. TCML might take less memory though - that's about all.
//Jimmy Mårdell