Re: A89: Questions
Re: A89: Questions
> Hello, I was working on coding something, and I came up with a few
> questions..
> 1. Why does this not compile properly? And what is the syntax for using
> this?
> PutStr MACRO
> move.w \4,-(a7)
> move.l \3,-(a7)
> move.w \2,-(a7)
> move.w \1,-(a7)
> jsr doorsos::DrawStrXY
> lea 10(a7),a7
> [Maybe my syntax was wrong which is why it didn't work?]
I dunno why this doesn't compile...
you should use it like that:
PutStr #10,#15,a0,#4
This will display the string pointed to by a0 at x = 10 y = 15 in color
> 2. How do I do direct input.. I think this question's answer would help the
> author of CraPong as well as me..
You have to read the kbd matrix.. I don't know a lot about this method,
but it is documented in IOPorts.txt
> 3. How do you make a bmp file into .asm... there was an 82/3/5/6 bmp or pcx
> to asm program, but now I am not sure quite what to do...
I'm not sure but I think there is such a program at ticalc (maybe for
TI92..). You should check at ticalc.
But I don't know, since I never had to do this.
> 4. When putting a sprite on the screen, is it anded with its mask or is it
> ored? I guess I need to know this to get my sprites to work correctly.
Hmm.. Well, here are the different results you'll get:
Sprite Mask Screen Result
1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 1 0
Hmm. sorry I wrote this in a hurry so if you want more precisions,
please re mail me !
Bye !
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