Re: A89: Flash ROM or Archive
Re: A89: Flash ROM or Archive
Yes I'm shure.
the nature of a flashroom is that you can change the data on it electrically (no
need for UV like on a EPROM)
the reason why you can't change all of the flashrom with the archive function is
that the archive function is limited to work in that 384K space.
the rest of the flash (that is not occupied by the OS) is probably saved for
future upgrades, and is probably the place where extra apps will go.
I'm sure of this, because a friend of mine has putted in quite a lot of work in
ROM-hacking and checking the hardware..
//Olle wrote:
> > There is no second romchip or special Archive chip.
> > Both the OS and the Archive is in the same chip and it is a FlashROM chip
> > no standard ROM. there is though some blocks in the Flash that is
> > writeprotected
> > and in thoose blocks are some key kernelfunktions for for example download
> a
> > new OS in the flash if the OS get screwed up.
> Are you sure? How did they set it such that certain blocks could not
> be changed?