Re: A89: Internet Link (New language?)
Re: A89: Internet Link (New language?)
In a message dated 1/12/99 6:21:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
> > Of course, I do not oppose a program that works something like lynx, but
> > would be much better if there was also a special markup language that is
> > designed for the calc.
> a new markup language would make on-calc documentation useful, but would be
> pointless when it comes to what this conversation started with: internet
> browsing. remember, people are NOT going to make tcml web pages. if you
> want
> to view their page, whether it was designed for a 160x100 screen or not,
> s
> your responsibility to take what they've done and view it as well as you
> frankly, i think that a lynx-type program is the only solution to an
> internet
> browser.
Of course they would! We don't need an entire translation of the internet for
tcml pages! If we found a way, or several ways to connect through the calc so
that internet usage was widespread, I would make a tcml page, would
make one, dim-ti and tifiles, not wanting to be left behind, would follow
suit, any major program developer would, people who like tutorials would make
BASIC tutorials or put calc info in TCML, heck, even math teachers could make
pages for their math classes.
TCML would have to be a simple language to write and to intereperet. That's
the whole point. With my suggested standard, or ANY of the recently suggested
ones, documentation of the entire language would be 2-3 pages tops. Any fool
who knows how to use a word processor could learn how to use it in 5 minutes!
It took me longer than that to learn how to use AOL! It's that easy!