Re: A89: Internet Link (TCML and HTML)
Re: A89: Internet Link (TCML and HTML) wrote:
> TCML would be very useful, and it would find many applications. I could even
> see math teachers taking on to it, and using it for math labs and such
> (assuming that they could get the equipment, somehow.) Just like the web, it
> could have many uses.
This is an excellent point. TIML would also make an excellent documentation
Standard HTML on a calculator IS impractical. Most sites today rely heavily on
graphics, tables, text formatting, centered around a 640x480+ resolution, ect., to
ever be viewed efficiently on a calculator. I have enough trouble viewing some
sites at the low res of 640x480, so adapting a HTML page to a calculator would be
nearly impossible.
We can count on the major TI sites for supplying the community with TIML pages,
and many other smaller sites will follow suit.