Re: A89: Internet Link (New language?)


Re: A89: Internet Link (New language?)

>rather than a new markup language, why not use just really basic html (like
>with no tables and stuff)?
>REMEMBER, l thinkt that we should only do this TIML ONLY if there is no
>feasible way for any calc program to do the html code.

The calculator probably could do straight HTML, but why?  Most of the
features are rather useless, hard to implement, and would slow the whole
thing down.  How about we just use a feature already supported by the calc,
that lab report thing.  It involves all the things that are important --
text and pictures -- and doesn't require us to write a seperate program.
Writing a TIML browser wouldn't be that hard though.  As to the connection
program, we should probably try to get a hold of the people who wrote the
vt100 emulator for the 83/85/86.  I don't know much about TCP/IP, but I do
know that it's not too hard or large.  I see no reason that a calculator
couldn't handle it without too much trouble.

