Re: A89: Internet Link (tchtml)
Re: A89: Internet Link (tchtml)
I totally agree, there is absolutely no need to define a new language..
why not just take an early version of html (a basic html support) and you will
be compatible too :)
i think this discussion is going _a_bit_ far though, considering there is no one
that has made a tcp/ip connection to any ISP yet :)
Rosyna wrote:
> Why would you have to? Just take real HTML and have the calc parse
> it, not a really big deal. A basic one must understand at least all
> table tags, list tags, title tags (Not meta) it does not have to
> understand any font tags except for a few sizes if that. But for
> images it would have to put a place holder and put the alt tag in the
> place holder, and have the place holder be the size defined in the
> tag. Just ignore all other tags. And you cannot connect a modem to
> post school lines as they are usually digital and will fry a modem.
> At approximately 7:10 PM -0800GMT on the day Earth People call
> 1/9/99, [ E R I C ] declared:
> > Creating the language itself would be simple. We could just define our
> > own tags:
> ---
> I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
> the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
> indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all.