A89: Can someone debug this real quick
A89: Can someone debug this real quick
It is supost to make a sprite of that happy face. If compiled right before but I
made some minor changes and now it doesn't but I dont know what I did. I am almost
brand new to asm so if it is sloppy or something I know I am sorry. It says that
there is an Undefined symbol 'W' and I just missing it or what?
------Start of code----------
include "tios.h"
include "util.h"
include "graphlib.h"
xdef _main
xdef _comment
xdef _ti89
WriteStr macro
move.w \0,-(a7)
pea \4(pc)
move.w \2,-(a7)
move.w \1,-(a7)
jsr tios::DrawStrXY
lea 10(a7),a7
jsr util::zap_screen
move.w #15,d0
move.w #30,d1
move.l h,a0
WriteStr #20,#5,#1,line1
jsr graphlib::put_sprite d0,d1,a0
WriteStr #20,#70,#1,line2
jsr util::idle_loop
cmp #13,d0
beq _exit
jsr util::idle_loop
jmp _main
dc.w #8
dc.w #2
dc.w %1111111100001111
dc.w %0000000000000001
dc.w %0000000000000001
dc.w %0000000011110001
dc.w %0000000000000001
dc.w %0000000000000001
dc.w %1111111100001111
dc.w %0000000000000000
jsr util::zap_screen
_comment: dc.b "Serial",0
line1: dc.b "Serial Rules",0
line2: dc.b "Enter key to exit",0
------End of code---------