Re: A89: doors vs plushell
Re: A89: doors vs plushell
In a message dated 1/6/99 4:10:45 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > which one is better, also how do u get to doors os not door gui
> i think doors is better than plushell for the kernel but proshell kicks ass
> for browsing and running programs
Really? Most people (including me) seem to think the other way... the Doors OS
GUI is highly developed, and has all kinds of features. Plusshell's GUI is
like zshell, only it looks bad because zshell was made for a screen a little
less than half the size. :) I think that plusshell has the better kernel,
however that could change, if it hasn't already. Xavier works on DoorsOS a
LOT, and responds to many bug reports. I use doors to run stuff, but I use
Plusshell's development tools. They're more powerful and easier to use.
Anything compiled using Plusshell works on DoorsOS.