Re: A89: Built in serial numbers
Re: A89: Built in serial numbers
From: "SirKnight" <>
> I noticed that the line that shows the serial number doesn't show up in the
> emulator. (I'm assuming that someone was thinking when they didn't put the
> serial number in the rom). So, does anyone know a way to read the serial
> number, or to emulate it? Being able to read it would be useful if you
> wanted to write a shareware game or OS or whatever where people could
> register it.
It might be an interesting fact to know but I would NEVER, NEVER,
NEVER buy a program from anyone who would not let me move the program
to another device that I might own or might have to replace with
That is the primary reason that I do not buy a Palm Pilot. Most good
programs for them will only let me install it on the machine that it
was purchased for. So, if I get a new one or replace it or replace
it because it is defective, the software is no longer useful.
I think it is a bad mistake for s/w developers to put so many
controls on their programs as to make them worthless.
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