A89: Re: Attn: "TI-BOMBERMAN"
A89: Re: Attn: "TI-BOMBERMAN"
This is interesting. Personally, I would have to agree with pretty much
everything Adam Davis said. (See: REPLY, at bottom of message) If anyone
is intersted in finding out who it is, Yahoo probably has that information,
but being confidential, they shouldn't give it out.
I also have a question. Adam, when you mentioned the HELO protocol, were
you referring to the Sendmail commands in which the first command is HELO
with some parameters?
Daniel Imfeld
-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Davis <adavis@baladyne.com>
To: dimfeld@mciworld.com <Daniel Imfeld>
Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 11:18 PM
Subject: A89: Attn: "TI-BOMBERMAN"
I hope everyone else will forgive my my OT message, I do not know who
the mailbombing person is, so I am sending this message publicly in the
hopes he will get it.
The message sent to me (contained conveniently in the 1304 copies sent)
is as follows(Some headers deleted):
from dayt-ara3-a39.lcc.net (dayt-ara3-a39.lcc.net [])
by stan.lcc.net (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with SMTP id IAA27388 for
adavis@baladyne.com; Fri, 12 Feb 1999 08:19:02 -0600 (CST)
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 08:19:02 -0600 (CST)
stan.lcc.net: dayt-ara3-a39.lcc.net [] didn't use
HELO protocol
Something for you to read. 10000x's Contrary to the last statement
you made from my
recent bombings. I am more inteligent than most
people you will meet. I am computer science major
at a very well known college. I know I had to be on
the list, our the server would bounce my mail, so I
made a nice little yahoo mail account with a nice
little catchy name. Then seeing as my host would
be known to all, even though the mail was bounced
off of 5 different servers, I logged on to one of my
friends accounts. LCC is a small company that only
supports local users in the area of my friends home
town. Using his account would point the attention
away from me. Then seeing as how writing an
intelligent letter would not of had the same effect for
when I told you that you should die and goto hell. I
decided I had to be seemingly annoying, so I
decided to portray the rudest, most immature person
I ever encountered on the internet. This guy did
happen to be on Mirc.
Furthermore I mainly did this just to see how the
server was set up to handle mail bombing. TI 's
server was set up quite nice. The second letter
didn't go through. Now ticalc's list server let about
ten, I believe, go through so that show's me what I
wanted to know.
As for your comments, I believe that you should
learn asm. Its amasing what can be done with it and
also the future possiblities as we learn more about
the inner workings of the TI.
And lastly I am actually on the list under a different
name ( and different host). See if you can find me!
I appreciate your desire to enlighten me as to your alleged intelligence
and motives. My earlier message was meant mainly in fun, and I did not
mean to insult your intelligence, although it looks like you took it
Perhaps you have more knowledge in a given area than I do, but I
gurantee I'll have more knowledge in another area. Intelligence, to me,
is the wise use and application of knowledge. You have demonstrated
your knowledge, but very unwisely. Thus, you expose your level of
I have nothing personal against you or any other person on any TI list.
Please accept my apologies if I have or am offending you.
As far as learning 68k asm, I do not have time. I don't program much in
TI-Basic either. I'm signed on to these lists for the occasional gem
that applies to those things that I am interested in.
Lastly, you ought to know that I am the network admin for the company I
work for, and as this attack affected servers we use, I had to report
your mailbombing to LCC.NET.
No, I doubt I'll be able to find you, but - I really don't want to. :-)
P.S. I would be interested in knowing what you are using to mail-bomb.
If it's not using the HELO protocol, I wonder what it is using...