A89: Re: Something for you to enjoy, 10000x's.
A89: Re: Something for you to enjoy, 10000x's.
For the man who spends his time doing childish and immature things with his
life pretending to be this all super computer user...
Just a pre-note, you hardly put 1% load on my T1 line. I get 10x more
e-mail per hour than you sent to me totally. It would take an E2 or T3 and
a Pent 450 get it near 50%.
>Contrary to the last statement you made from my
>recent bombings. I am more inteligent than most
>people you will meet.
The people I know are a whole bunch more inteligent. They don't bomb people.
I'll give you two days to unsubscribe me from those lists. After that (I
know the sysadmins at yahoo) I'll have your account suspended.
>I am computer science major
>at a very well known college.
I'm an MIT graduate and now work at a priviate reasearch lab.
>I know I had to be on
>the list, our the server would bounce my mail, so I
>made a nice little yahoo mail account with a nice
>little catchy name. Then seeing as my host would
>be known to all, even though the mail was bounced
>off of 5 different servers, I logged on to one of my
>friends accounts. LCC is a small company that only
>supports local users in the area of my friends home
You're going to have to explain to your friends small company why they have
about 168 abuse reports. The SMTP server I programmed for linux
automatically sends out abuse requests and the orrigional e-mail to ALL
email that I tell it to filter.
>Using his account would point the attention
>away from me. Then seeing as how writing an
>intelligent letter would not of had the same effect for
>when I told you that you should die and goto hell. I
>decided I had to be seemingly annoying, so I
>decided to portray the rudest, most immature person
>I ever encountered on the internet. This guy did
>happen to be on Mirc.
Since I could care less about IRC or anything related to it...
> Furthermore I mainly did this just to see how the
>server was set up to handle mail bombing. TI 's
>server was set up quite nice. The second letter
>didn't go through. Now ticalc's list server let about
>ten, I believe, go through so that show's me what I
>wanted to know.
> As for your comments, I believe that you should
>learn asm.
Excuse me, I know x86, PPC, 6052, 68k, AVR, PIC, HC, Scenix, and dozens of
other asm languages and their nemonics. The z80 is basically a clone of
the intel 8080, which I also program.
>Its amasing what can be done with it and
>also the future possiblities as we learn more about
>the inner workings of the TI.
> And lastly I am actually on the list under a different
>name ( and different host). See if you can find me!
I would rather clean all of the tolits in a train station with my tongue
than try to find you.
>Surprised you didn't recognize my work
I wouldn't spend the time.
>It was I who was impressinating you a year
>ago on the 83 asm list.
Thats why I left and will never return. There are afew immature people
without lives of their own, shall I name one?
>I was more suttle then and
>used a better technic. As for asm, now I have the
>89 and have moved on to better things, have you?
yes. I'm consulting for a company to build a portable mp3 player based
arround the MAS3507D DSP. Sitting arround flaming people is not better
things to do, as you seem to think.
I've also started a small company I operate on my spare time. Making a
good profit. $1275 last week just for doing what I love.
>still don't know the reasons you quit, hope it wasn't
>because fo me.
I'm on the TI-H list, and the
82/83/85/86/89/92/filenews/shell/basic/emulators and all of the other lists
ticalc has.