A89: Simple Grid-based Putsprite Routine
A89: Simple Grid-based Putsprite Routine
Just so that I know what the heck I'm doing, I'm making a simple putsprite
routine that puts a sprite on an 8x8 grid. It's all good and dandy, except for
the part where it actually puts the sprite... (go figure). So... what's wrong
with this picture?
include "tios.h"
include "util.h"
xdef _main
xdef _comment
xdef _ti89
jsr util::zap_screen
move.l #Sprite1,a0
move.l #0,d0 ;set the sprite to display in grid area 0,0
move.l #0,d1 ;(top-left area of screen)
bsr _putsprite
jsr util::idle_loop
move.l LCD_MEM,a1
add.l d0,a1 ;add the grid column to LCD_MEM
mulu.l #60,d1 ;Multiply the grid row by 60 to get byte count
add.l d1,a1 ;add bytes to a1
move.b (a0),(a1) ;These 8 lines cause the problems. I believe
move.b 1(a0),30(a1) ;that this is because it's doing stuff with
move.b 2(a0),60(a1) ;odd addresses... how would I fix that?
move.b 3(a0),90(a1)
move.b 4(a0),120(a1)
move.b 5(a0),150(a1)
move.b 6(a0),180(a1)
move.b 7(a0),210(a1)
_comment: dc.b "Mogsoft PutSprite Experiment",0
Sprite1: ;if you can't see the sprite, it's a happyface. :)
dc.b %00111100
dc.b %01000010
dc.b %10100101
dc.b %10000001
dc.b %10100101
dc.b %10011001
dc.b %01000010
dc.b %00111100
What this is SUPPOSED to do is put a sprite at GRID COORDINATES d0 and d1.
This means that if both of those registers were 1, the sprite's upper-left
corner would at the 9th pixel down and the 9th pixel across. The main point
is, tho... how do I get the part that copies the sprite to the screen to stop
giving me ADRESS ERRORs and MEMORY VIOLATION errors? (Thank goodness for Crash