Re: A89: Reading and storing data to and from external files
Re: A89: Reading and storing data to and from external files
So are you saying that as long as the program doesn't write to itself (like,
even your variables are in an external file) then it can be run while
archived? Or are you allowed to still have in-program data that is writable
but it just won't be saved on exit?
-Justin Karneges [Infiniti]
>>How would I go about having one assembly program read data from another
>>a string)? And how could I make a program write to an external file? For
>>example, Super Mario Quest stores level data in a string (mariolvl) and
>>program reads the level data from there, and when using the editor it
>>the data to a new string file (but the new version uses an external
>>to save the game?). I'm interested in writing savegame data to an
>>file so that the main program can be archived when run. I'd appreciate it
>>if someone here could explain how to do this, and post a little routine
>>that'll do it -- thanks =)
>There's a good tutorial on the VAT at the Doors homepage --
> If you don't want to do all
>the work yourself, just check out filelib. It's pretty well documented.
> --Nate