Re: A89: GIDE, from a user
Re: A89: GIDE, from a user
On a side note... SynEdit is real nice! It can compile my 68k ASM progs
with the click of a button! :)
At 11:23 AM 12/31/99 EST, you wrote:
>I write to yet continue this GIDE = SinEdit thread. I downloaded the early
>release of GIDE, and what do you know, the SynEdit splash screen showed up.
>This means one of two things. One. h4x0r has either cracked the SinEdit
>code, and changed it, or he sent out an illegal copy of SynEdit for the
>release. Note: He did say that it wasn't all his code. However, if he
>wanted to crack SynEdit, he should have at least changed the title screen.
>It makes me wonder...