Re: A89: You must realize that is besides the point (read)
Re: A89: You must realize that is besides the point (read)
You know that plane jump prog Scott is making? Yah, I think it's a piece of
crap. Take a look at that gyppy screen, you can see that the ball was simply
PASTED on there! Heck, I could make better screens than that! And look how
the screen jumps so quick! and the planes go so fast! That's not a playable
game. I think it's a bunch of bull, if he doesn't release it this INSTANT<
right NOW it had better work or we'll all declare it a fake, a hoax, and that
he should stop programming
(hehe, no offense scott, this is all just hypothetical. I thought of your
program first because it's one I keep track of because I want to play it:P)
You have to realize how irrational your comments are. And also, yes I could
make better screenshots than what I see on Scott's page with Adobe photoshop,
and make them look just as realistic:P But Scott's prog is real no matter
how fake it may look:P
Honestly, I could forge any program literally perfectly with Adobe Photoshop,
since most look the same as all the others