Re: A89: Detecting the ROM version
Re: A89: Detecting the ROM version
Here's the method I found:
move.l $300000,d0
cmp.l #$4E56FFCC,d0
beq v1_00_rom
cmp.l #$77044EB9,d0
beq v1_05_rom
bra other_rom
move.b #$00,d0
bra found_rom
move.b #$01,d0
bra found_rom
bra err
move.b d0,rom_ver
bra start
I don't know how to recognize 2.03; this just goes to err if it isn't 1.00 or
1.05. At the present time, you could just assume that it's 2.03... Start the
main program at start. I got this one from David Hart.
Grant Elliott
HREF="">Programmers Anonymous</A>
In a message dated 12/29/99 10:27:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Does anyone know how I can detect the ROM version. For the next version of
> LexOS it is important that I can detect the current ROM version in order to
> provide the correct RAM addresses. Obvoiusly I cannot use DoorsOS to get
> correct ROM version.