A89: Re: HW2 Stuff :) Problem: Fixed


A89: Re: HW2 Stuff :) Problem: Fixed

Hey, Infuzed, long time no hear. Just some really quick info... you should
stay out of root on a linux box at all costs. it is way too easy to
accidently destroy the filesystem if you stay in it.

> Ummm....did anyone know that someone already made a greyscale game
> compliant with HW2?!?!? Doesn't anyone check TINews :) Jeez, the guy that
> made Sonic updated it (.30) and it now supports HW2! It's a modification
> of his Genlib library (which has hidden functions :P). Why doncha email
> him and ask him what he did to make it work :)
> -}InFuZeD{
> -TINews @ http://www.fzs.cx


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