Re: A89: Ah-ha, I figured out why TI limited the user-archive on HW1 cal
Re: A89: Ah-ha, I figured out why TI limited the user-archive on HW1 calcs
So in all of Ti's power and glory it would be possible to allow us to use
the free space but they figured the only people who would notice would be
the few who use it and the Hw2's are comming out anyway so why would they
care about us anyway. They problebly only made ams2.0x work on so they would
live up to their end of the always upgradableable calculator B.S. they have
on their site.
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Noveck <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: A89: Ah-ha, I figured out why TI limited the user-archive on
HW1 calcs
> >So basically, TI made a mistake and therefore they physically can NOT
> >HW1 users the full 700k for use of archive or flash apps?
> It's much simpler than that:
> HW 1.00 calcs weren't made with AMS v2.00 in mind, and the hardware is
> configured so that only so much space can be used as archive mem - the
> is only usable if it is flashed in from a computer, hence flash apps can
> fill that space.
> According to Paul, TI decided to "upgrade" the HW 2.00 calcs while fixing
> the security chip, and their flash ROM can be partitioned by the software
> somehow. We're complaining about them making HW 1.00 worse, while they
> it as making HW 2.00 better. I think it was just good intentions leading
> a poor decision.
> -Scott