Re: A89: Alignment Error


Re: A89: Alignment Error

----- Original Message -----
From: mhlandry <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: A89: Alignment Error

> Is it proven fact that the sun will rise tomorrow?
It most certainly will. If science tells me a metor the size of earth is
gonna hit it and knock it off couse or make it explode well.. that's
different, it's still science at work though.

> Numbers were just a stupid example I was using.
Not my fault

> I must disagree here.  People, back in the day, created religion because
> of natural phenemonons(sp?) that were happening around them, E.G.
> earthquakes, eclipses, bad weather etc.  So they came up with this idea
> that there were many gods (because they thought there had to be some
> higher power, I mean, what can control nature?), each had a specific job
> (god of such and such).  Naturally, these people, stupid though they
> were, did not want earthquakes and famines and the such, so they tried
> to please the gods.  Then this guy named Christ came around and said you
> all are wrong, there is only one true God.  People said, nope, you are
> wrong simply because it is easier to keep living the way that we have
> been living (I.E. we are too lazy (for lack of a better word, and I dont
> feel like looking one up) to reform their lives.  Anyways, religion was
> the result of a search for a higher power, being if you like.
> Also, I have a problem with people saying that they dont believe in
> Christianity because the commandments say thou shalt not murder, but the
> Christians killed (note killed, not murdered) many people in the
> crusades.  First of all, I would be hard pressed to find anythig that is
> not hypocritical in a way (except the docrtine of the Roman Catholic
> Church).  So then if you dont believe in something because its
> hypocritical, then please, inform me of what you believe in.
> Serial, do you have icq?  Maybe we should talk and not trade emails?
> Not that it would change anything.
> Thanks, and sorry :)
>      - Matthew
4091622 (Bomb it I dont care I use it once a year)
Okay what I believe is that humans like reliance in the fact that work is
not without reward and that if you stay in line and do good your going to
get the reward while the guy who murders people may own an island and
millions of dollars but in the afterlife he'll suffer while your in bliss.
If I'm wrong 'God' will sure let me know about it wont he =]

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