[OT] RE: A89: Alignment Error


[OT] RE: A89: Alignment Error

Okay sorry but I have to draw the bottom line on this...

There's no such thing as blasphemy. And people who offend religious feelings
of others look incredibly stupid. So do people who condemn them for their
actions in the name of their religion or try to stick their religious views
in front of others, like this:

 > Then you're condemned to hell and, for those who don't care then you will
when Jesus returns.  I care.  It is wrong.  I can only tell you about it and
hope you finally come around before He returns.  And please tell me you
don't believe in Darwin and evolution junk.

Now Serial, I agree with your point but stop being so f***ing offensive to
others. (and you are offending others whether you admit it or not)

 > maybe you're under-religious.  There is no such thing as over-religious.
 > Having the identity of "GOD!" is blasphemous and I don't like
 > it.  I find it
 > very offensive.

 > >i say, everyone piss off, its an email,  it says god-email,
 > not godsmail
 > or
 > >i am god, its god-mail, maybe there is a reason, or story,  quit looking
 > for
 > >something new to whine about and let him be until he starts
 > claiming "i am
 > >god" or shit like that.  just take out your bibles, and read you overly
 > >religious people
