Re: A89: User Defined Functions
Re: A89: User Defined Functions
You have always been able to do this... just now they are listed in the
user-defined catalog. Just use the program editor and scroll down one to
function instead of program. Then whatever you want to return should be
in Ans(0), basically whatever you want to return should be on the last
before the EndFunc
> Mark Scott wrote:
> Does anybody know how the user defined functions work? I don't have a
> real graph link to get to just yet, so can't test it to see what they
> mean. What it sounds like is that you can write functions that act as
> others built in to the calculator work? Is this extrapolation correct
> or am I blowing hot air?
> Mark E. Scott Jr.
Scott "_Wrath_" Dial
TimeCity AI Guy II -
Member of TCPA -
NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
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