Re: A89: U.S. Encryption Laws
Re: A89: U.S. Encryption Laws
> So you have a strong voice for freeware? I can't make out exactly what you
> support.
I think I have showed a string voice for OSS on this list several
times. What do you mean by freeware ? Free as in free beer or as in
free speech ? I'm less enthusiastic about the free beer side (i.e. you
can download the binaries) but a strong supporter of the free speech
side (you can download the source). This is quite off-topic, though.
My point is that if TI built signature checking and HW protection
into the calculator in order to allow them to make hefty profits
on selling software, then they can shoot themselves on the foot.
A cost sensitive target market with sufficient technical abilities
can create a shadow industry of cracking the copy protection schemes.
Therefore, TI can actually be worse off than with making smaller
profit and leaving out the protection stuff.
If TI's main customer group is highschool students, then IMHO
it is exactly the cost sensitive, daring and able market that would be
susceptible to such a reaction.